Donate to us

  1. Fill out our Donate Items Interest Form to gift us items

  2. Order items from our target wishlist and/or amazon wishlist

  3. Make a tax deductible gift donation here

Dear Community,  

Since 4/25/2020 we have received a wide range of donations. Each item donated has been gifted to Black people who access reproductive services in San Francisco California , no questions or strings attached! Thank you everyone for your donations, it is because of each of you that we can continue to show up the unique ways that we do !!!! We are committed to continue showing up as long as you do.

With solidarity, love, respect, and humility,

One Love Black Community

Donation Items Highlights

  • The Farmacy Flowers

    The Farmacy Flowers gifted proceeds from THE BODY mini bouquet sales

  • The CCSF Collective

    The CCSF Collective organized a virtual fundraiser to gift funds

  • CTX Church

    CTX Church donated so many household items

  • Ocean Dental Group

    Ocean Dental Group donated 144 tooth brushes & 72 toothpaste

  • Bibs & Onesies created by Dr. Felder-Heim

    Dr. Felder-Heim created these beautiful hand painted & silk screen bibs & onesies

  • Gift Cards

    Varied gift card donations from so many! To name a few EMBRACE & UCSF Black Women’s Health & Livelihood Initiative, SFGH Birth Center, & Rise Up Project

  • Cards by artist Lauren Turner

    Cards donated by Lauren Turner to gift to each family

  • Flowers & proceed donations by Julie Lang

    On multiple occasions Julie Lang has shown up for One Love! We love and appreciate you, thank you!

  • Creative Fund Raising by Emma

    She is someone who is always being creative and utilizing her platform and work

    to show up for Black people accessing reproductive services in SF

  • RJ Organization donations

    UCSF Solars & Voices 4 Birth Justice donations including swag bags, breast pumps, and masks in 2021. Donations came in by way of the amazing Daphina Melbourne, thank you Queen!!!

  • Community shows up up!

    When families show up for families it fills our hearts!!!! We receive about 50% of our donations directly from the community we have served or from those who have recently given birth and want to give back. Pictured here are donations from the fabulous & talented Loren Newman ( @lolattii)

  • Uncle Boys

    Uncle Boys is such a delicious burger joint in THE Richmond District of San Francisco AND they are immensely community oriented! They have been showing up for One Love since day 1, from feeding our volunteers to donating gift cards and masks

Clarissa, San Francisco Resident

“One Love was definitely an on time blessing! I have a newborn, a toddler, and a preteen in virtual schooling as I am healing from a c-section. It can get difficult to get food for my family. One Love provided me with cash and delicious foods from local restaurants.”

Nadiyah, San Francisco Resident

“Thank you for being a listening ear and blessing my family with $200 the other day. I truly appreciate the team and all the work you guys are doing to support Black mamas”.”